cityxguide replacements

The day has finally came. CityXGuide is now officially shut down.  The owner Wilhan Martono aged 46 has been arrested for sex trafficking, laundering cash and a few other charges all tied into this website.

Wilhan , A man who was highly inspired by backpage. Literally scooped up the domain along with 7 other “Escort" related domains the day after backpage was seized. His vision was clear, replace backpage!

As ya'll know CityXGuide became widely popular and just before it got seized it was the 3rd most popular escort site in the United states. They say that Martono earned over 20 million dollars on this website since its debut in 2018.

With big money and big risk comes paranoia . This guy was rolling in so much doe he started funneling his money through crypto, gift cards and the gift card reseller called cardcash. He must have known he was doing something suspicious and the party wouldn't last forever.

Now your probably wondering, What did he do wrong? Well, from what i understand it was the lack censorship. Unfortunately there was child sex trafficking going on along with straight up ad's for prostitution. With sites like cityxguide in which anybody can post with no screening, you will get some bad apples. Whether Wilhan knew this was going on or not that's for the courts to decide. Now adays the sites which are not regulated very well will have .eu or .ch extensions at the end, It seems to be a growing trend to host an escort site from as far as the United states as possible lol.

Ok im tired of hearing about CityXGuide and i want pussy!

Lucky for ya'll The porn guy has more tricks up his sleeve. Right below i have listed the top 10 best CityXGuide alternative sites on the web, Its a nice combo of sex dating sites along with straight up escort sites. I really do recommend the sex dating sites like Ashley Madison or SexMesseger. They are totally safe to use , no risk of John catching operations and really its just meeting up with women who want and need sex. Anyways do what ya'll want but stay safe!

sites like cityxguide

cityxguide alternatives

cityxguide replacements


